Hump Day!

So I spent the better part of one of the few sunny winter days in Vancouver inside a windowless room in front of a computer. The majority of people start their own businesses to avoid just that – maybe I’m already doing something wrong :P  Seriously though, what they keep reminding us, and what I already know to be true, that for the first 2 years (at least) you work twice as hard as you ever did for anyone else – and for less money! All in the hopes that somewhere down the road you make it – either monetarily or because you’re doing something that you truly love, or if you really lucky, both.  For me I hope it’s the money! No just kidding – I wouldn’t have spent two years working on this business in what little free time I had if I didn’t already love it. 

In class today we went over social media.  So far I’ve set up a twitter account, facebook, youtube, barnmice, linked in and this blog (duh).  Now the challenge is coming up with relevant and somewhat interesting content – all of which needs to be in line with the image, or brand, that HRN strives to uphold.

*on a side note, as I’m writing this I’m listening to “No Matter What” by Boyzone and it has totally turned me into a sappy romantic.  Seriously, the slightly jaded and cynical businesswoman has fled the building! LOL*

I think the most important thing I learned today, aside from the how-to’s which of course are too long to put up on this blog – is just how easy it is to lose track of time and to get caught up in the somewhat crazy world of social media.  Honestly, the day flew by for everyone in the class, including our instructor and our class actually ran late.  So my recommendation: keep an eye on the clock when you’re doing this stuff and budget your time.  Know what you need to get done and how long you want to get it done in and budget accordingly.  Having said that, I had budgeted an hour for social media tonight and had already blown through that before I started writing this… we all have our goals!


  1. I am the first follower of your blog! Thank you for following my "tweets". They will not all be horse related: some are marketing so ignore those if you want! Excited to see this blog unfold. We need a connection just for BC!
    April Reeves

  2. Yay! Thank you so much! I look forward to seeing your marketing tweets as well - it's an area that not a lot of horse people are strong in. I can't wait to hear what you have to say!
